Enchantment of the Seas 1/7/08
I know that I got somewhat carried away with my Review...it became somewhat of a journal. Anyway, here are the links that will take you directly to the scans and images from this trip.

Pictures: All taken with a Nikon L4 CoolPix.

Here are a couple of linksthat have no specific place to go: General useful information

On the port days, the port name (next to the Day) will be a link to the pictures taken there.

MONDAYEnchantment of the Seas
Cruise Compass | Specials | Aquanauts (3-5) | Explorers (6-8) | Voyagers (9-11) | Teens (15-17) | Teens (13-15)

Cruise Compass | Specials | Aquanauts (3-5) | Explorers (6-8) | Voyagers (9-11) | Teens (15-17) | Teens (13-15)

Cruise Compass | Specials | Aquanauts (3-5) | Explorers (6-8) | Voyagers (9-11) | Teens (15-17) | Teens (13-15)

Cruise Compass | Specials | Aquanauts (3-5) | Explorers (6-8) | Voyagers (9-11) | Teens (15-17) | Teens (13-15)

FRIDAY - Sea Day
Cruise Compass | Specials | Aquanauts (3-5) | Explorers (6-8) | Voyagers (9-11) | Teens (15-17) | Teens (13-15)

SATURDAY - Debarkation
Cruise Compass

Other Pictures:the Birch Patio Hotel
Henry and Friends
The corner aft JS 7166
sail-away from the balcony
We were at a table for 8 with perhaps the most convivial bunch of people ever.
Shipboard People we came to know
If you like chickens and chicken pictures, click here
Butterfly Conservatory
Stage to Screen
Schooner Lounge
Repeat Cruiser Reception
the Quest
Dancing Under the Stars Party
Can't Stop the Rock
Concierge Lounge
Farewell Showtime